Learn to Curl (for adults)

Why would you like to curl? Because you'll be learning a new sport and meeting new people. Curling is a great way to exercise and it is accessible to any age! It is a very inexpensive sport.

Learn to curl is a program that teaches adults to learn the basics of curling. No experience needed. The program is offered at the very beggining of the season so that new curlers will be able to join the league of their choice. It is offered once a week for 8 weeks.

What equipment will you need? Comfortable clothes, stretchy pants, loose jacket, mittens and/or gloves and clean running shoes (not worn outside or on the street)

Little Rocks   

The objective of the Little Rocks program is to attract young players to the game; to teach them the rules of curling and to show them the techniques used to play the game. But the most important rule of all is to have fun. The LittleRocks program is for both girls and boys between 5 and 12 years of age. Depending on the size / strength of the child, some can start at 4 years of age; others may have to wait until they are bigger. Curling is once a week after school hours.

There will be no curling when school is closed; either school breaks or storm days.

No other equipment is needed – only normal, comfortable winter clothing: stretchy pants, loose jacket, mittens and / or gloves, clean sneakers (not worn outside or on the street).

A Medical declaration must be completed on the day of registration.

General Curling League Rules & Etiquette:

Please abide by the FAIR PLAY principle of the game. Therefore all 8-end games should be a minimum of 5 ends.

Teams should be on the ice at the scheduled time. An 8-end curling game is scheduled to last 2 hours. Each team should play in a timely manner and every effort should be made to finish on time.

To maintain ice integrity, avoid leaving your hand or knee on the ice surface for an extended amount of time.

Each player is expected to find his/her own spare. A list of spare players can be found on the bulletin board. Spares can play any position.

Late start games: If for any reason a team cannot start on time the following will apply: 1 end and 1 point will be awarded to the other team for every 15-minute delay. This team also loses the hammer. The game is considered forfeited after 30 minutes. A mutually agreed late start can void this rule.

Make-up games: Have to be scheduled within 1 week, and must be played within 3 weeks. Otherwise, the team that could not make the initial date will get 0 points.

See leagues schedules


The objective of the Junior program is to attract teenagers to the game; to teach them the rules of curling and to show them the techniques used to play the game. But the most important rule of all is to have fun. The Junior program is for both girls and boys between 13 and 18 years of age.  Curling is once a week after school hours.

There will be no curling when school is closed; either school breaks or storm days.

No other equipment is needed – only normal, comfortable winter clothing: stretchy pants, loose jacket, mittens and / or gloves, clean sneakers (not worn outside or on the street).

A Medical declaration must be completed on the day of registration.

Fun Leagues

The Monday and Tuesday night leagues are fun leagues. They provide an opportunity for members to get active and encourage fellowship which the rules must promote. They are the suggested leagues for novice curlers or for curlers who don't want to curl in a more competitive league. It is also a good league for curlers who want to practice curling in a different position than the one they would normaly play in, in the competitive league.



point per end


points for win


points spread (Max.)


point each for tie


points for blank

Sturling League

This league is played during the day. It's a relatively new variant of curling.

Sturling is based on curling, using the same facilities and equipment.  The main differences are that a team is made up of two people, and there are a few changes to the rules. As a result, a game is shorter and played much more quickly. People can either throw the stone using the slide delivery technique or use a delivery stick.

This adaptation of the sport of curling is less demanding on the body, and easier and quicker to learn. It enables people with a physical disability (knee, back, heart, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, ankle, or foot) or simply people of advanced age, to play on an equal and competitive basis when they might not otherwise be able to do so. People without disabilities can also participate in this league.

Teams or individuals can register in advance for this league. If you would like to try it out first, let us know.

All ends should be played. A 6-end sturling game is scheduled to last no more than 1 hour.

Sunday League

This league is intended to provide participants an opportunity to choose their 4-player team and play shorter 6-end games. Games will be played at 6 PM and 8 PM on Sundays. 

Teams must have at least one new curler or one curler trying out a new position, such as skip or third. The season will include 15 games throughout the winter with a playoff fun day at the end of the season.



point for team with most ends


points for win


points for loss


points each for tie


max points/game

Competitive League

This league is intended for more serious curling; however, the game should still be fun for all and should encourage fellowship. Teams are usually formed in advance, but curlers who are not part of a team can still register and they will be assigned to a team. There are always teams looking for players.